Every profession has its jokes. For instance about economists: ten economists come up with eleven opinions on the economy. An example of an engineering joke is this one: what's the difference between a mechanical engineer and civil engineer? One builds bombs the other builds targets. (1)
Jokes often reflect some truth as they tend to magnify some main characteristic of someone or in this a professional.
One engineer however doesn't make an engineering culture. And then there are different sorts of engineering professions, for example the computer engineer - information technology - who is designing, building, programming... computer systems.
The saying that is often heard in this context is: "you cannot fix people in the same way that you can fix machines."
Although we often engage in social engineering, the engineering language is not equally applicable in areas outside their specific domain; people do not respond in the same way as machines do.
What is this terminology of the engineer?
"Problems need solutions." Technology is always helpful, but often not taking into account that differences in use and personal situations in which the technology can be used or will (not) be used.
In the information system domain -- computer engineering -- this issue comes up when implementing a new information system. The problem is often than the current organization will have subjected to the features of the system, whereas it would be more human that the system subjects to the demands of the organization.
For engineers it is very important that they work closely with marketers, physiologists and other professionals who can translate the raw functions of a new tool to useful equipment for people.
Another area where the engineering culture may cause friction with other cultures in organizations is on change. Engineers often think that everything is possible; everything can be build and sometimes instantly. Here too the human interaction is the problem; people often resent change and stick to old habits.
The engineer wants to implement change faster than organization is able to manage (change).
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